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Friday, March 22, 2013

Skin Care Ingredient Article: Aloe Vera & Skin Benefits

(Just FYI, our Aloe Vera Body Spray is infused with Aloe Vera and is on SALE this month.  Check out HERE!)

Aloe Vera & Skin Benefits

By Katie Regan

About Aloe Vera

Aloe vera comes from the aloe plant, a succulent native to Africa that has been used medicinally for centuries. Aloe leaves ooze a clear gel when broken off from the rest of the plant that can be applied topically to heal wounds and soothe skin, according to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. The green part of the leaf that surrounds the gel can be used to produce a laxative juice called aloe latex, according to the NCCAM. Aloe plants are sub-tropical and can grow indoors or outdoors as long as they receive plenty of sunshine and have no chance of freezing.

Aloe Vera for Burns

Aloe vera is primarily used to soothe blistered, sunburned skin, according to It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, and it supports skin cell regeneration. Aloe vera also contains active compounds that may decrease pain, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center, and for this reason provides a cooling, refreshing feeling when applied to skin. Because aloe vera is largely made up of water, it evaporates quickly and can be re-applied as frequently as desired.

Aloe Vera for Skin Conditions

Aloe vera contains 19 of the 20 amino acids required by the body for good health, according to, and for this reason it is a powerful healing agent. In addition to treating burned skin, aloe is useful in moisturizing dry, flaky skin. It has also shown some promise in treating more serious and persistent conditions such as genital herpes, dandruff, psoriasis, canker sores, skin ulcers and others, according to the Mayo Clinic.


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